Galadari Printing and Publishing Co. L.L.C is the publishing house of the UAE’s first and leading English daily, the Khaleej Times. The newspaper was launched in April 1978.
Our website www.khaleejtimes.com, launched in 1997, is one of UAE’s leading English digital news platforms, and, along with a wide network of social media platforms, reaches 15M+ users on a monthly basis.
City Times, our daily entertainment supplement, and WKND, our weekly lifestyle digest, are extremely popular among the masses, while Young Times, a magazine for the 9-to-14 age group, is something schoolchildren hold dear to their hearts.
Metrolife, a monthly on life and living in the UAE, maps trends across the country. She, a product focused on women, looks at achievers, their aspirations and their lifestyles.
KT Engage is a specialised native content play focused on B2B audiences; KT Impact offers a bouquet of supplements that cater to diverse audiences.
KT Events, an interactive platform for policy-makers, businesses, entrepreneurs, clients, experts, and customers, has developed its own brands and sub-brands for specific audiences and domains.
We are also the proud parents of Buzzon, a classifieds website that sees as many as 200-250 ads posted every day.
The Dubai-based broadsheet covers news and opinions from across the globe, with a special focus on the UAE and its people. It is distributed across the length and breadth of the country.
If you are into reading, then our BRB bookstore has a collection that can keep you busy for days together.
KT Gamez, a platform that showcases the best interactive games, has grown new millennial and zillennial audiences.
Website: khaleejtimes.com
Facebook: facebook.com/khaleejtimes
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/khaleejtimes
Twitter: twitter.com/khaleejtimes
Youtube: youtube.com/khaleejtimes
Instagram: instagram.com/khaleejtimes